Morganite 发表于 2017-12-3 18:47:56

日韩风格游戏场景 Unity资源 2D丛林手绘贴图 -2D Jungle Pack V1.2

资源大小: 157.8MB资源版本:v2.01资源类型: .unitypackage安装要求:要求Unity 5.2.1或更高版本This package is using Ferr2D Terrain Tool . In order to create terrain you NEED to have Ferr2D! Remaining assets are performing correctly regardless of the editor. Package DOES NOT include Ferr2D terrain, you must create it on your own. Package contains everything you will need in order to do it. This is only art and textures package. Package does not contain demo scenes. Package includes around 400 hand-painted textures in high resolution. Perfect choice for creating platform games as well as endless runners. Package contains: - 39 bushes - 30 palms - 99 floral elements - 70 mushrooms - 30 addons (lava, water, clouds, etc.) - 9 backgrounds - 12 particle systems**** Hidden Message *****

小嘉 发表于 2017-12-3 18:57:38

谢谢楼主 谢谢层主 谢谢资源币 谢谢人民币 谢谢cctv 谢谢网络 谢谢网民 谢谢大家谢谢啊丙!

城堡城堡 发表于 2017-12-4 10:13:49


道标无缺 发表于 2017-12-4 11:50:48

道标无缺 全真子 代表道武王谷 前来一会 诸位道友 幸会! 幸会!

界皇神十香 发表于 2017-12-4 12:52:33


qiqq 发表于 2018-3-6 02:32:51


liannu 发表于 2018-3-10 13:14:49


可热的虾 发表于 2018-5-16 14:41:59


freetime 发表于 2018-6-4 16:09:58


奶爸66 发表于 2018-9-18 17:56:06

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查看完整版本: 日韩风格游戏场景 Unity资源 2D丛林手绘贴图 -2D Jungle Pack V1.2