chendu0858aa 发表于 2017-2-8 15:13:16

[unity插件] Landscape Auto Material-1.02-超屌自动地形工具(百度网盘)

**** Hidden Message *****资源包名: Landscape Auto Material-1.02   超级强大--好不好,请先回复后。查看2分钟的使用视频,逆天!!!免费**** Hidden Message *****编辑器扩充/地形发布者:VEA Games价格:$149.99适用版本:要求Unity 5.3.0或更高版本。----(使用5.3.5完全没问题)文件大小:501.93MB资源有问题.或者链接不存在.请私信.看到立马解决Asset store 链接:!/content/64132插件仅用于学习。如需商用,请购买正版。----想要成大触,天天上元素!
资源介绍:Landscape Auto Materail (LAM) is a comprehensive landscape and foliage creation toolset that augments built-in capabilities of the game engine.It allows automatic texturing of landscapes based on height, slopes etc, and automated foliage painting, thereby saving many hours of work.
LAM Unity features include:
Terrain shader
- A set of custom physical-based terrain shaders
- Automated terrain texturing based on slope and height, with full override ability.
- Height-based layers mixing
- Triplanar texturing support, eliminating “stretching” on slopes
- Multi-UV mixing to reduce repetitive tiles in distance
- DX11 tessellation support.
- Additional coloring map to reduce repetitiveness
- Paintable coloring layer - paint color directly on terrain

Foliage shaders
- Custom tree shaders with wind animation and leaf translucency, working with both built-in and prefab-based trees.
- Custom grass shader with translucency and texture-based wind animation.

Advanced foliage painting
- Multi-foliage brush tool that can paint several foliage types simultaneously - including mixing grass and trees.
- Auto-painter system that intelligently places foliage based on terrain textures, slope, and noise mask, with almost-realtime updates.

Custom foliage system (FoliagePainter Pro)
- Fully custom system allowing painting meshes on terrain
- Supports any shader, not just the ones included in package
- Automatically batches foliage instances for draw-call reduction
- Supports fully-static and runtime batching - Can be used to paint ANY prefab on terrain - lights, particle effects, etc.
- Fully supported by advanced painting tools in the package.




定制的树叶系统(FoliagePainter Pro)


xiaoguaikkk 发表于 2017-3-11 16:36:41


猥小琐 发表于 2017-7-27 10:12:19


huanghechuan 发表于 2017-7-31 11:26:01

Landscape Auto Material-1.02-超屌自动地形工具

WDCG 发表于 2017-7-31 11:26:31

Landscape Auto Material-1.02-超屌自动地形工具

liu20088dan 发表于 2017-9-7 14:24:56


囡囡 发表于 2021-9-23 13:56:09

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查看完整版本: [unity插件] Landscape Auto Material-1.02-超屌自动地形工具(百度网盘)